Alan Moore video chat

Wednesday, February 8th, 2012 Comics

If you want to actually see and hear Alan Moore discussing his work and other topics (which is not easy to do), Here’s a two hour chat with Moore (who’s lurking in some Alan Moore steampunk castle somewhere in foggy, soggy England, hunched close to the camera with a light shining upwards on his face, exactly as you’d expect). The occasion is a fundraiser for a project to raise a statue of late comics author Harvey Pekar (he of the legendary R. Crumb collaborations), the Raymond Carver of comics, in Cleveland (which I think is a great idea). I have to thank Hamza Walker for introducing me to the work of the brilliant Pekar, back in Chicago, years ago (and I also have to thank Lauren Tillinghast for introducing me to Alan Moore’s work at about the same time). In the clip, Moore talks about Flatland, quantum theory, “theft” of 19th century literary characters, magic, “live Chinese Elvis” and much more. Two hours of Moore drinking black tea and holding forth…not for the meek.
