Horrorthon Posts


Thursday, December 8th, 2011 Horrorthon Posts

Yes, JPX, it has a name: Coulrophobia, the “irrational” fear of clowns. I came across this definition following some links. So the medical/scientific community is right on top of this one, rest assured. (more art here)


The Walking Dead

Friday, December 2nd, 2011 Horrorthon Posts

I’ve been MIA all through the festivities this year because I’ve been very busy with a couple of things, but also because I’m just not really in the horror movie vibe right now (Sacrilege!). I’ve lurked and read a lot of the (great) reviews and I’ve been impressed with the quality and quantity of everybody’s […]


Calling on the Oscar Goldman phone

Monday, September 26th, 2011 Horrorthon Posts

Calling on the Oscar Goldman Phone

