Horrorthon Posts

Jordan’s anti- anti-CGI rant

Wednesday, January 4th, 2012 Horrorthon Posts

This isn’t specifically directed at anyone on Horrorthon, but the topic does come up here, so I figured it’s an appropriate place for this rant. I just finished watching the Coen brothers’ True Grit (which had me bawling like a baby) and thought it was maybe the most perfect Western I’ve ever seen. While watching […]


Two fantastic websites

Thursday, December 29th, 2011 Horrorthon Posts

The above images (a chart of Michael Meyers kills, a Muppet version of the Sistine Chapel’s “Creation of Adam” ceiling fresco, and “Aliens vs. Predator Babies”) are from an excellent website I just discovered called Popped Culture, which specializes in clever crossover-fusion imagery collected from various sources. I warn you that it’s possible to spend […]


I’ve been a big fan of this movie since my first viewing (on the IMAX screen eight blocks from my house—yes, it’s good to live in NYC) and I’ve defended it endlessly against the strangely lukewarm reaction it got from geeks (despite its overwhelming box-office success). People say things like, “Well, it was a lame […]

