Barney’s Great Adventure

Wednesday, October 17th, 2007 Horrorthon Posts


1988 ( )
Boy, was this an unpleasant experience! Talk about pure horror…I certainly could go on at great length about the sheer, raw revulsion I experienced at the hands of this loveable purple dinosaur, in his first big screen adventure! I am going to detail the entire plot, involving lots of adorable little kids, and plenty of songs (you all know the one about how “I love you/You love me” etc., which I will amusingly point out is just a stale retread of “This Old Man”). I’m just getting started. Horrorthon ’07 is immeasurably enriched by my sardonic remarks about the painful experience of inflicting this movie on myself. I wanted to poke my eyes out with a plastic fork! (That should convey how horrified I was!) It’s not a horror movie, but so what…I’m sure you’ll all agree that I deserve massive props just for watching this.
